What Are the Symptoms of a Weak Fuel Pump?

A failing fuel pump will have symptoms that can range from loud whining, sputtering or even would overheat and eventually fail if not addressed. A telltale symptom is a reduced power on acceleration. A weak fuel pump may fail to provide the needed fuel at correct pressure, which is usually between 30 and 80 psi depending on the vehicle. This can result in hestitation or slow acceleration, espeically when going up a hill or passing another car.

Additionally if the sputtering of the engine is spotted when you are driving at high speed than be sure that you have camshaft position sensor symptoms. This high level of demand results in inadequate fuel flow if the pump is not up to task, which can lead to enough hiccups and misfires. Almost 20% of engine performance issues are fuel system related problems, including weak fuel pumps (AAA report).

Drivers may even have trouble starting the car. An abandonded pump won't bench fuel enough quickly after and the engine to catch deserter for a bit. Vehicles afflicted by this may fail to start at all in extreme instances. This problem may be more common in chilly weather, as the pump has to strain against thicker fuel.

One of the symptoms is a brother noise from your fuel tank area. That usually means the pump is working too hard from low fuel pressure or restrictions in the system. Healthy fuel pump almost always work silently, any grinding or whining sound should be a alarm bell for the motorist.

At times, fuel efficiency too may decrease if the pump turns weak. When the pump is having trouble, it can not deliver fuel effectively to the engine and then the engine trying to compensate uses more fuel than necessary. With the potential to reduce miles per gallon (MPG) values quite a bit, fuel costs can be hiked 10-15% depending on the extent of the issue.

Last year, General Motors initiated a recall of more than 217,000 vehicles due to weak fuel pumps that could cause engine failures and decreased performance. Well-publicized case illustrates the risk of continuing to drive after experiencing fuel pump failure symptoms.

As Henry Ford remarked, "Failure is only the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently." By addressing this symptom of a failing Fuel Pump early on, you can avoid complete failure and the need for must more expensive repairs later.

While these symptoms, when they arise, make checking or changing wire circuit essential to keep the automobile safe and in exceptional driving condition.

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