Why Are Moonstone Rings Perfect for Everyday Wear?

This stone commonly referred to as Moonstone is perfectly suitable for everyday wear since it possesses the characteristics of being durable, versatile and stylish. On the Mohs hardness scale, Moonstone is a 6-6.5 — safe enough for everyday wear/tear but still something that will need to be taken care of in order not to scratch it! This hardness makes moonstone rings fit for everyday wear without worrying that they would chip, unlike softer gemstones.

Moonstone is recognizable for its adularescence, a way it conveys the floating light–held in this nearly transparent stone; lending an ethereal glow to any attire. The gentle, iridescent colors of this gemstone match with all styles; moonstone rings can be effortlessly worn during the day in a casual outfit or for an elegant evening. The latest market data shows around 30% of consumers like gemstone jewelry that works perfectly from day to night.

The price range for moonstone rings usually goes from $100 to $1,000 so it is often a more practical choice as well. This makes them an ideal choice for people who want to wear unique and charming jewelry, on a budget. Popular in the work of jewelry designers, moonstone can be found set simply into bands or as part of more elaborate designs representing a variety of personal styles and preferences.

If you need an extra reason to love them, moonstone rings have a historical and cultural significance as well. Moonstone was linked to the divine by ancient Romans, who believed it heightened intuition and emotional balance; something that catches the interest of consumers today looking for more than just beauty in their jewelry. And their presence in fancy online and print fashion magazines, like Hearper's Bazaar only further confirms that they're not just stylish enough for everyday wear but practical too.

Moonstone rings is going to trend forever since they willingly combine charm with utility. With all these qualities, durable utility combined with versatile style and a meaningful history in various cultures ensuring that moonstone rings are perfect for the person who wants to add an elegant touch when wearing their native wardrobe while getting the added bonus of ambling about assenting from gemstone!

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