Can You Reuse Soda Cans?

There are many applications and benefits recycling soda cans. More than 180 billion soda cans are produced every year around the world, and figuring out how to make use of them will help ease environmental strain. For instance, artists frequently reuse soda cans to sculpt things into various artworks. Sarah Turner turns thousands of aluminum cans into beautiful items, showing just how useful they truly are.

A standard soda can is made of aluminum and runs around 14-15 grams. According to the Aluminum Association, recycling one soda can save enough energy to power a TV for 3 hours. This figure gives an indication of the amount of energy that could have been conserved had these cans not gone to waste.

Soda cans are converted to household stuff in diyness. Some practical uses for them is to cut simple shapes and use as candle holders, planters or small storage jars. A solitary 12-ounce can measuring just over 2.6 inches in diameter x around height provides more than enough for such projects so as per usual, I forged straight into the tool cabinet to gather my goods...

Aluminum is both recyclable mechanically and from an engineering point of view, its material properties means soda cans are long suitable for structural reuse. Lightweight and high strength designs can be created using aluminum cans with a tensile strength of 70 MPa. This feature led to creative applications such as in making model airplanes, and other educational kits.

Recycling soda cans also contributes towards sustainability. Continuing in this vein, John Elkington - a luminary of corporate social responsibility - famously declared: "The future is not about more of the same; it's about creating a circular economy where waste becomes resource." We see this manifested in programs where companies source used cans to create new products. One example of this is the recycling and reuse campaign Every Can Counts.

Soda cans can also be used in creative cooking practices from the culinary arts industry. The ubiquitous beer can chicken recipe calls for nestling a partially full soda can in the cavity of an also oil-slicked bird, where it ostensibly helps conduct heat evenly and keep fowl moist. The method has appeared on various cooking shows and even in articles, showcasing a creative way to reuse your soda cans.

Soda cans have also been used in scientific tests. In other words, they are frequently used in physics demonstrations to illustrate principles such as air pressure and the flow of heat. A quick and easy demonstration of the principles behind gas laws and atmospheric pressure is shown in this experiment using a "crush the can.

A greater potential is in the fashion industry in reusing soda cans. PROFESSIONAL FASHION DESIGN spot : Brazilian designers have included aluminum can tabs in the making of clothes, jewelry and other accessories! The trend is a nudge to sustainable fashion as well.

To learn more about soda cans, including how they are used and reused in so many different ways. Visit Soda Cans now!

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